Raw Organic Honey Is A Natural Antibiotic Home Remedy For Strep A Infections

Child Suffering From Strep A With Mother

Please seek urgent medical attention if your child is unwell. Honey should not be used in the place of medical treatment without advice from your doctor.


Strep A

Since September 2022, nine children in the UK have now died from Strep A, the severe bacterial infection sweeping through primary schools. The government is considering prescribing preventative antibiotics to children in affected schools.

Giving your child raw organic honey water every morning can help spread natural antibiotics in your child's body so they are less likely to catch a severe Strep A infection.

What Is Strep A? 

Strep A is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes (or group A streptococci), which can be found in the throat and tonsils. Strep A can cause serious illness and even death if untreated.

It can cause strep throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and other symptoms that may last for one to three weeks. Strep A spreads easily from person to person. You might get it if you come into contact with someone who has it.

Strep A is most commonly passed from person to person through direct skin-to-skin contact, including hugs and kisses. It's also possible for people who don't have any symptoms of Strep A to spread the bacteria just from touching surfaces or objects that have been contaminated with their saliva or mucus secretions during an outbreak.

The most common symptom of Strep A is a sore throat accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes located near the neck area—these are usually pretty easy to spot on your own.

The most common symptom associated with Strep A is inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids which makes it difficult for you to breathe through your nose or swallow food properly.

If left untreated or misdiagnosed, Strep A can lead to an acute rheumatic fever where joints become inflamed and stiffen causing pain in muscles and joints along with heart problems such as mitral valve prolapse which affects blood circulation within the body.

Fortunately there are natural remedies for relieving Strep A such as raw organic honey which has been used successfully by many people around the world.

This bacterial infection causes these symptoms:

  • sore throat
  • fever (high temperature)
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck

woman with srep a checking temperature for fever

You May Not Know You Have Strep A

It’s not always obvious when your child has a sore throat. Strep throat is a common infection that causes a sore throat and fever, but not all children who have strep have a sore throat or fever. It’s important to be aware of other symptoms of the disease so you can get in the doctor’s office as soon as possible if they arise.

Some children will develop an earache or swollen tonsils; others may experience vomiting or diarrhoea. A few might develop painful red bumps that itch around their mouth or nose (rash) as well as swollen lymph nodes in their neck (lymphadenopathy). If your child has any of these symptoms—or even some milder ones like mild fatigue, low-grade fever, or mild nausea—it could be strep.

Strep Can Cause Problems If Left Untreated

Strep throat is a bacterial infection, and it can lead to more severe complications if left untreated. In fact, strep can cause long-term damage in your heart valves or your joints if it’s not treated early enough. If you have rheumatic fever—a complication of strep throat—you could be at risk for arthritis or heart problems later on in life.

Strep can even lead to death when the bacteria enter your bloodstream and infect other organs like the lungs or kidneys. It’s important not just for your health but also for the sake of those around you that you get treated as soon as possible so that this doesn’t happen!

Medical Professionals Are Still Confused By Strep A


For a long time, medical professionals were unsure how to best treat strep A. Then they discovered that a course of antibiotics was the best way to get rid of it.

However, recent studies have shown that this is not necessarily the case. Antibiotics can be effective at killing off strep A bacteria, but they are also known for reducing or eliminating good bacteria in your body as well.

The result is that your immune system becomes weakened and makes you more likely to get sick again if you are exposed to another virus or bacterium later on down the line. This means that taking an antibiotic for strep A could leave you more susceptible to catching another type of infection later on.

Natural Remedies For Strep A

To help prevent Strep A infections or lessen their severity, or to speed up the healing process, can add these natural remedies to your daily routine:

  • 20+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Coffee Bean Honey From Mexico (one teaspoon mixed in lukewarm water on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast)
  • Garlic (one clove taken three times a day)
  • Apple cider vinegar (two tablespoons in warm water)
  • Turmeric (two teaspoons in warm water twice a day)
  • Ginger (three to four slices of fresh ginger root or ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger) and lemon juice (one teaspoon three times a day when sick)

raw organic honey with ginger and lemon

Raw Organic Honey Is A Proven Home Remedy For Treating Strep A

Giving your child raw organic honey water every morning can help spread natural antibiotics in your child's body so they are less likely to catch a severe Strep A infection.

Raw organic honey is a proven home remedy for treating strep A. It has long been used to treat sore throats, coughs and fevers. Raw organic honey is naturally antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It also helps reduce swelling and soreness in the throat area due to the enzymes that are released when ingested.

In addition to its antimicrobial properties, raw organic honey contains hydrogen peroxide which helps fight infections by killing bacteria or viruses through oxidation.

The best way to use this home remedy is by taking one teaspoon of 20+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Coffee Bean Honey From Mexico mixed in lukewarm water on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast daily until your symptoms go away or decrease significantly.


If you or someone you know has Strep A, there are many ways to treat it. We recommend using the raw organic honey approach as outlined in this article. This is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries and will help get rid of the bacteria causing your cold/sore throat symptoms effectively.


Please seek urgent medical attention if your child is unwell. Honey should not be used in the place of medical treatment without advice from your doctor.

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