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NEW 20+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Coffee Bean Honey from Mexico 227g
Antibiotic medical grade honey equal to 20+ TA MGO 829 manuka honey, our most powerful honey. (Like all our honeys, this is pure honey with nothing added and nothing taken away.)
In August 2019 this won a Two-Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Food. Known as the "oscars" of the fine food world, thousands of food products enter the annual Great Taste awards but only very few win two-star awards. Read on for the judges' comments.
227g net weight in a glass jar
The world's first bioactive coffee bean honey. The tastier and affordable alternative to manuka honey.
Lab certified 20.5 antibacterial Total Activity (see certificate).
Equal to TA 20+ MGO 829 manuka honey which costs up to £100 a jar.
Why spend £100 on a 250g jar of Comvita manuka 20+ honey when you can get a tastier 20+ honey for less?
From bees feeding on arabica coffee bean plantations in Chiapas, Mexico, one of the world's finest coffee producing regions.
Raw (unpasteurised), none of the pollen has been filtered out
Certified organic GB-ORG-04
Crystallised, with tasting notes of vanilla, molasses and chocolate coffee (mocha)
The judges who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it:
"Visually enticing, this honey has a rich caramel colour. The honey tastes like caramel with floral notes. It melts on the tongue and is very moreish."
"A deeply caramel coloured honey. The aroma is of toast and toffee- hugely pleasant. The flavours are deep and long lasting."
"There is a perceptible coffee note here, which we weren't necessarily expecting, but it has a pleasant, almost savoury, certainly mineral presence. It balances the sweetness well."
Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey.
Indigenous tribes in Mexico have been farming coffee for hundreds of years. Today, Mexico produces some of the world's finest organic coffee.
But the best organic coffee in Mexico is grown in the beautiful mountain highlands of Chiapas state in southern Mexico, which lie 1000-1500m above sea level.
The indigenous tribes of Chiapas manage 1500 independent coffee plantations as the main source of their livelihood.
The Coffea arabica plant is native to the mountains of Yemen. It was the first species of coffee to be cultivated.
Coffee honey with a 16% coffea pollen count is considered good coffee honey. This honey has a coffea pollen count of 40%, which means that it is exceptional.
Tasting notes: Vanilla and molasses with a light chocolate coffee (mocha) aftertasteTexture: crystallised (sets quickly due to the high pollen content)Aroma: dark chocolateSweetness: sweet
In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant.”
This honey has a lab certified antibacterial Total Activity rating of 20.5. This means that it is equal to a 20.5% antibacterial solution.
It can be consumed like any other honey or applied on the skin in small amounts.
A 2016 study by Sao Paolo State University in Brazil found that coffee bean honey contained:
- High levels of Vitamin C (29.5mg / 100g), the same as grapefruit.
- More potassium (96mg / 100g) than bananas..
- More calcium (34mg / 100g) than cauliflower.
A 2015 study by Chiang Mai University in Thailand found that coffee bean honey contained:
- A higher antibacterial content than other honeys
- A higher flavonoid content than every other honey, including manuka
- The highest anti-tyrosinase activity among 16 other honeys. Tyrosinase inflames the skin and causes pigmentation issues.
This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a half teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.
1. Moura Kadri, Samir & Zaluski, Rodrigo & Lima, Giuseppina & Mazzafera, Paulo & Orsi, Ricardo. (2016). Characterization of Coffea arabica nonofloral Honey from Espírito Santo, Brazil. Food Chemistry. 203. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.02.074.
2. Jantakee, Kanyaluck and Yingmanee Tragoolpua. Activities of different types of Thai honey on pathogen1c bacter1a causing skin d1seases, tyros1nase enzyme and generating free radicals. Biological research vol. 48,1 4. 16 Jan. 2015, doi:10.1186/0717-6287-48-4
Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.

15+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Amazon Jungle Honey From Brazil 227g
Antibiotic medical grade honey equal to 17+ TA MGO 631 manuka honey.
In September 2022 this won a Two-Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Food. Known as the "oscars" of the fine food world, thousands of food products enter the annual Great Taste awards but only very few win two-star awards. Read on for the judges' comments.
227g net weight in a glass jar
The world's first bioactive honey from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. A tastier and affordable alternative to manuka honey.
Lab certified 17.0 antibacterial Total Activity (see certificate).
Equal to TA 17+ MGO 631 manuka honey which costs up to £60 a jar.
Why spend £60 on a 250g jar of Comvita manuka 15+ honey when you can get a tastier 15+ honey for less?
From bees feeding in the Amazon rainforest, the most biodiverse region on the planet.
Raw (unpasteurised), none of the pollen has been filtered out
Certified organic GB-ORG-04
Crystallised, with tasting notes of smoked tropical fruits and an aftertaste of papaya
The judges who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it:
"This honey is thick and crystalline in texture and appearance. The aroma on the nose is distinctly of forest floor which follows through on the palate. The floral and leafy flavours linger on the palate with great length."
"A thick, granular honey. On the nose this promises a lot and doesn't disappoint on the palate: the aromas are highly perfumed and aromatic, and every sense is heightened."
"What an experience. It has a wonderful chew and deep, complex floral character that persists and opens out with length and made us all very happy! A unique, special product."
Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey.
The Amazon jungle is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It is the lifeblood of the world’s largest ecosystem that spans about two-fifths of the South American continent. More than half all the plant species on the plant are found in the Amazon jungle. It is known as the lungs of the planet due to the amount of oxygen it releases into the atmosphere.
To date, at least 40,000 plant species, 427 mammals (e.g. jaguar, anteater and giant otter), 1,300 birds (e.g. harpy eagle and toucan), 378 reptiles (e.g. anaconda), more than 400 amphibians (e.g. dart poison frog) and around 3,000 freshwater fishes including the piranha have been found in the Amazon.
The pollen composition of this honey is:
97% pink Mimosa silk tree
3% other
Tasting notes: Smoked tropical fruits and an aftertaste of papaya
[Note: This honey does NOT contain any trace of fruit; it is pure, natural honey.]
Texture: Partially fine crystallised set honey
Aroma: Intensely perfumed jungle aroma
Sweetness: medium
In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant.
The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used medicinally by Mayan civilisations for over 1000 years to relieve a wide range of conditions and ailments.
The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used in Chinese remedies for nearly 2000 years as a natural calming herb. It is known as the "tree of happiness" or the "happiness herb."
There is scientific research based support for the use of the Mimosa tree to relieve worry, stress and sleep issues.
[See Jung JW et al. Effect of chronic Albizzia julibrissin treatment on 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors in rat brain. Pharmacol Biochem Behav . 2005;81(1):205-210.]
In fact, a pharmacoepidemiologic study in Taiwan in 2002 found that the Mimosa tree was the third most commonly prescribed Chinese herbal remedy for treating sleep problems.
[Chen FP et al. Prescriptions of Chinese Herbal Medicines for Insomnia in Taiwan during 2002. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med . 2009 Apr 1]
This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.
Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.

10+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Orange Blossom Honey from Mexico 227g
2024 STOCK JUST IN. Filled fresh from the drum last week and on sale now. This is the final batch of this honey, once it is gone we will be discontinuing it.
Equal to 10+ TA MGO 263 manuka honey.
In August 2019 this honey won a Two-Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Food. Known as the "oscars" of the fine food world, thousands of food products enter the annual Great Taste awards but only very few win two-star awards.
227g net weight in a glass jar
The world's first bioactive orange blossom honey. A tastier and affordable alternative to manuka honey.
Lab certified antibacterial Total Activity of 10.0 (see certificate).
Equal to TA 10+ MGO 263 manuka honey which costs up to £40 a jar.
From bees feeding on organic orange tree plantations in Veracruz, Mexico, which produces some of the world's best oranges.
A delicious batch from the best orange blossom honey crop in Mexico since 2008.
Raw (unpasteurised), none of the pollen has been filtered out
Certified organic GB-ORG-04
Set with a soft citrus aroma and a rich orange flavour
Judges from the UK Guild of Fine Food who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it:
"Utterly intoxicating aroma of summer orange blossoms, this honey is a marvel of flavour. The sweetness is rather low level but that is a good thing to allow the deep, long lasting floral flavour to really come through."
Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this honey.
The first oranges were brought to Mexico by Spanish settlers in the 16th century. Today, the tropical state of Veracruz on the Atlantic coast of Mexico produces over half of all Mexico's oranges.
This honey is produced from bees feeding on the organic orange plantations of Veracruz, Mexico.
The orange tree (scientific name Citrus sinensis) is an evergreen flowering tree which grows to a height of 9-10m. It has oval leaves 4-10cm long.
Orange blossom honey with a pollen count of 40% is considered exceptional. This honey comes from the best orange blossom honey crop in Mexico since 2008. It has a pollen count of an incredible 57%!
Tasting notes: Citrus, fruity with a rich orange flavourTexture: Set with fine crystalsAroma: Aromatic, of soft citrusSweetness: light
This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon, over toast or porridge, or with good quality yoghurt, fresh cream or ice-cream. It can be used in cooking just like orange blossom water, or where a citrus aroma is required.
In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant.
This honey has a laboratory certified antibacterial Total Activity rating of 10. This means that it is equal to a 10% antibacterial solution.
It can be consumed like any other honey or applied on the skin in small amounts.
A 2011 study by the University of Queretaro, Mexico, studied the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of 14 different Mexican honeys. It found that:
- Orange blossom honey had the highest phenolic (antioxidant) capacity of all 14 honeys.
- When tested against food poisoning bacteria strains Listeria, Straph A and Salmonella, orange blossom honey was found to be the most effective among the 14 honeys tested.
Oranges also contain bergapten, which promotes colour and pigmentation in the skin, to avoid it becoming damaged by sunlight.
This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.
1. Bamini Gopinath, Gerald Liew, Annette Kifley, Victoria M Flood, Nichole Joachim, Joshua R Lewis, Jonathan M Hodgson, Paul Mitchell; Dietary flavonoids and the prevalence and 15-y incidence of age-related macular degeneration, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 108, Issue 2, 1 August 2018, Pages 381–387
1. Rodríguez, B. A., Mendoza, S. , Iturriga, M. H. and Castaño‐Tostado, E. (2012), Quality Parameters and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Some Mexican Honeys. Journal of Food Science, 77: C121-C127.
Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.