Drinking raw organic honey water has more effect on the body after a long day of fasting than at ...

A study at the University of Florida found bloating and stomach pain in IBS patients was re...

Children who skip breakfast have reduced concentration because of low blood sugar levels. T...

A university study in Turkey found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate 5 grams of raw organi...

Study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietet...

Giving your child raw organic honey water every morning can help spre...

Raw organic honey is a good source of carbohydrates and protein, whic...

Researchers found that those who took raw organic honey experienced relief from pneumonia s...

A 2014 study in Nigeria found that honey helped to lower blood pressure within 60 minutes o...

A 2014 study in Malaysa found that raw organic honey slowed down lung damage caused by cigarette ...