Latin Honey Shop 20+ Active Raw Organic Coffee Bean Honey From Mexico equal to 20+ TA Manuka Honey Latin Honey Shop 20+ Active Raw Organic Coffee Bean Honey From Mexico equal to 20+ TA Manuka Honey
NEW 20+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Coffee Bean Honey from Mexico 227g
NEW 2024 STOCK   Antibiotic medical grade honey equal to 20+ TA MGO 829 manuka honey, our most powerful honey. (Like all our honeys, this is pure honey with nothing added and nothing taken away.)   In August 2019 this won a Two-Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Food. Known as the "oscars" of the fine food world, thousands of food products enter the annual Great Taste awards but only very few win two-star awards. Read on for the judges' comments. Description 227g net weight in a glass jar The world's first bioactive coffee bean honey. The tastier and affordable alternative to manuka honey. Lab certified 20.5 antibacterial Total Activity (see certificate). Equal to TA 20+ MGO 829 manuka honey which costs up to £100 a jar. Why spend £100 on a 250g jar of Comvita manuka 20+ honey when you can get a tastier 20+ honey for less? From bees feeding on arabica coffee bean plantations in Chiapas, Mexico, one of the world's finest coffee producing regions. Raw (unpasteurised), none of the pollen has been filtered out Certified organic GB-ORG-04 Crystallised, with tasting notes of vanilla, molasses and chocolate coffee (mocha) The judges who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it: "Visually enticing, this honey has a rich caramel colour. The honey tastes like caramel with floral notes. It melts on the tongue and is very moreish." "A deeply caramel coloured honey. The aroma is of toast and toffee- hugely pleasant. The flavours are deep and long lasting." "There is a perceptible coffee note here, which we weren't necessarily expecting, but it has a pleasant, almost savoury, certainly mineral presence.  It balances the sweetness well." Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey. Origin Indigenous tribes in Mexico have been farming coffee for hundreds of years.  Today, Mexico produces some of the world's finest organic coffee. But the best organic coffee in Mexico is grown in the beautiful mountain highlands of Chiapas state in southern Mexico, which lie 1000-1500m above sea level. The indigenous tribes of Chiapas manage 1500 independent coffee plantations as the main source of their livelihood. The Coffea arabica plant is native to the mountains of Yemen. It was the first species of coffee to be cultivated.   Coffee honey with a 16% coffea pollen count is considered good coffee honey. This honey has a coffea pollen count of 40%, which means that it is exceptional. Taste Tasting notes: Vanilla and molasses with a light chocolate coffee (mocha) aftertasteTexture: crystallised (sets quickly due to the high pollen content)Aroma: dark chocolateSweetness: sweet   Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant.” This honey has a lab certified antibacterial Total Activity rating of 20.5. This means that it is equal to a 20.5% antibacterial solution. It can be consumed like any other honey or applied on the skin in small amounts. A 2016 study by Sao Paolo State University in Brazil found that coffee bean honey contained: - High levels of Vitamin C (29.5mg / 100g), the same as grapefruit. - More potassium (96mg / 100g)  than bananas.. - More calcium (34mg / 100g) than cauliflower. A 2015 study by Chiang Mai University in Thailand found that coffee bean honey contained: - A higher antibacterial content than other honeys - A higher flavonoid content than every other honey, including manuka  - The highest anti-tyrosinase activity among 16 other honeys. Tyrosinase inflames the skin and causes pigmentation issues.  This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a half teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach. References: 1. Moura Kadri, Samir & Zaluski, Rodrigo & Lima, Giuseppina & Mazzafera, Paulo & Orsi, Ricardo. (2016). Characterization of Coffea arabica nonofloral Honey from Espírito Santo, Brazil. Food Chemistry. 203. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.02.074. 2.   Jantakee, Kanyaluck and Yingmanee Tragoolpua. Activities of different types of Thai honey on pathogen1c bacter1a causing skin d1seases, tyros1nase enzyme and generating free radicals. Biological research vol. 48,1 4. 16 Jan. 2015, doi:10.1186/0717-6287-48-4                                                                    Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Latin Honey Shop 15+ Raw Organic Amazon Jungle Honey Brazil Latin Honey Shop 15+ Raw Organic Amazon Jungle Honey Brazil
15+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Amazon Jungle Honey From Brazil 227g
Antibiotic medical grade honey equal to 17+ TA MGO 631 manuka honey. In September 2022 this won a Two-Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Food. Known as the "oscars" of the fine food world, thousands of food products enter the annual Great Taste awards but only very few win two-star awards. Read on for the judges' comments. Description 227g net weight in a glass jar The world's first bioactive honey from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. A tastier and affordable alternative to manuka honey. Lab certified 17.0 antibacterial Total Activity (see certificate). Equal to TA 17+ MGO 631 manuka honey which costs up to £60 a jar. Why spend £60 on a 250g jar of Comvita manuka 15+ honey when you can get a tastier 15+ honey for less? From bees feeding in the Amazon rainforest, the most biodiverse region on the planet.  Raw (unpasteurised), none of the pollen has been filtered out Certified organic GB-ORG-04 Crystallised, with tasting notes of smoked tropical fruits and an aftertaste of papaya The judges who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it: "This honey is thick and crystalline in texture and appearance. The aroma on the nose is distinctly of forest floor which follows through on the palate. The floral and leafy flavours linger on the palate with great length." "A thick, granular honey. On the nose this promises a lot and doesn't disappoint on the palate: the aromas are highly perfumed and aromatic, and every sense is heightened." "What an experience. It has a wonderful chew and deep, complex floral character that persists and opens out with length and made us all very happy! A unique, special product." Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey.   Origin The Amazon jungle is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It is the lifeblood of the world’s largest ecosystem that spans about two-fifths of the South American continent. More than half all the plant species on the plant are found in the Amazon jungle. It is known as the lungs of the planet due to the amount of oxygen it releases into the atmosphere. To date, at least 40,000 plant species, 427 mammals (e.g. jaguar, anteater and giant otter), 1,300 birds (e.g. harpy eagle and toucan), 378 reptiles (e.g. anaconda), more than 400 amphibians (e.g. dart poison frog) and around 3,000 freshwater fishes including the piranha have been found in the Amazon. The pollen composition of this honey is: 97% pink Mimosa silk tree 3% other   Taste Tasting notes: Smoked tropical fruits and an aftertaste of papaya [Note: This honey does NOT contain any trace of fruit; it is pure, natural honey.] Texture: Partially fine crystallised set honey   Aroma: Intensely perfumed jungle aroma Sweetness: medium Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used medicinally by Mayan civilisations for over 1000 years to relieve a wide range of conditions and ailments. The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used in Chinese remedies for nearly 2000 years as a natural calming herb. It is known as the "tree of happiness" or the "happiness herb." There is scientific research based support for the use of the Mimosa tree to relieve worry, stress and sleep issues. [See Jung JW et al. Effect of chronic Albizzia julibrissin treatment on 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors in rat brain. Pharmacol Biochem Behav . 2005;81(1):205-210.] In fact, a pharmacoepidemiologic study in Taiwan in 2002 found that the Mimosa tree was the third most commonly prescribed Chinese herbal remedy for treating sleep problems. [Chen FP et al. Prescriptions of Chinese Herbal Medicines for Insomnia in Taiwan during 2002. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med . 2009 Apr 1] This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.   Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Latin Honey Shop 10+ Active Raw Organic Orange Blossom Honey From Mexico Latin Honey Shop 10+ Active Raw Organic Orange Blossom Honey From Mexico
10+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Orange Blossom Honey from Mexico 227g
CLEARANCE SALE: 30% Off A Six Pack Until It's Gone. This is the final batch of this honey, once it is gone we will be discontinuing it. Equal to 10+ TA MGO 263 manuka honey. In August 2019 this honey won a Two-Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Food. Known as the "oscars" of the fine food world, thousands of food products enter the annual Great Taste awards but only very few win two-star awards. Description 227g net weight in a glass jar The world's first bioactive orange blossom honey. A tastier and affordable alternative to manuka honey. Lab certified antibacterial Total Activity of 10.0 (see certificate). Equal to TA 10+ MGO 263 manuka honey which costs up to £40 a jar. From bees feeding on organic orange tree plantations in Veracruz, Mexico, which produces some of the world's best oranges. A delicious batch from the best orange blossom honey crop in Mexico since 2008. Raw (unpasteurised), none of the pollen has been filtered out Certified organic GB-ORG-04 Set with a soft citrus aroma and a rich orange flavour Judges from the UK Guild of Fine Food who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it: "Utterly intoxicating aroma of summer orange blossoms, this honey is a marvel of flavour. The sweetness is rather low level but that is a good thing to allow the deep, long lasting floral flavour to really come through." Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this honey. Origin The first oranges were brought to Mexico by Spanish settlers in the 16th century. Today, the tropical state of Veracruz on the Atlantic coast of Mexico produces over half of all Mexico's oranges. This honey is produced from bees feeding on the organic orange plantations of Veracruz, Mexico. The orange tree (scientific name Citrus sinensis) is an evergreen flowering tree which grows to a height of 9-10m. It has oval leaves 4-10cm long. Orange blossom honey with a pollen count of 40% is considered exceptional. This honey comes from the best orange blossom honey crop in Mexico since 2008. It has a pollen count of an incredible 57%! Taste Tasting notes: Citrus, fruity with a rich orange flavourTexture: Set with fine crystalsAroma: Aromatic, of soft citrusSweetness: light This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon, over toast or porridge, or with good quality yoghurt, fresh cream or ice-cream. It can be used in cooking just like orange blossom water, or where a citrus aroma is required. Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. This honey has a laboratory certified antibacterial Total Activity rating of 10. This means that it is equal to a 10% antibacterial solution. It can be consumed like any other honey or applied on the skin in small amounts. A 2011 study by the University of Queretaro, Mexico, studied the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of 14 different Mexican honeys. It found that: - Orange blossom honey had the highest phenolic (antioxidant) capacity of all 14 honeys. - When tested against food poisoning bacteria strains Listeria, Straph A and Salmonella, orange blossom honey was found to be the most effective among the 14 honeys tested.   Oranges also contain bergapten, which promotes colour and pigmentation in the skin, to avoid it becoming damaged by sunlight. This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach. References: 1. Bamini Gopinath, Gerald Liew, Annette Kifley, Victoria M Flood, Nichole Joachim, Joshua R Lewis, Jonathan M Hodgson, Paul Mitchell; Dietary flavonoids and the prevalence and 15-y incidence of age-related macular degeneration, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 108, Issue 2, 1 August 2018, Pages 381–387 1. Rodríguez, B. A., Mendoza, S. , Iturriga, M. H. and Castaño‐Tostado, E. (2012), Quality Parameters and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Some Mexican Honeys. Journal of Food Science, 77: C121-C127.                                                   Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Pacific Avocado Honey From Mexico Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Pacific Avocado Honey From Mexico
NEW Raw Organic Pacific Avocado Honey from Mexico 227g
NEW 2024 STOCK THIS HONEY WAS AWARDED A 2020 3-STAR GREAT TASTE AWARD BY THE UK GUILD OF FINE FOOD AND FEATURED IN THE TIMES (UK) NEWSPAPER AS ONE OF THE TASTIEST FOOD PRODUCTS IN THE UK.   Description A dark, buttery-silky smooth honey with tasting notes of black treacle, maple syrup and avocado, our Raw Organic Pacific Avocado honey from the Pacific coast of Mexico. With over 25 vitamins and minerals in each fruit, the avocado contains some of the highest levels of health promoting properties known to exist.One of the rarest honeys in the world, this honey comes from bees that feed on avocado trees in the world's oldest and largest avocado plantation, 5000ft high in the mountains of Michoacan province in western Mexico.With an incredible number of bioactive compounds, the avocado plant is used around the world to relieve the symptoms of conditions from anaemia to skin issues.Mixed in water this honey makes a nutritious, refreshing and tasty drink. It is delicious with premium vanilla ice cream or thick Greek yoghurt. Mix a teaspoon into a glass of cold organic milk and add a pinch of salt for an organic salted caramel milkshake! Size: 227g (1/2lb) net weight in a glass jarColour: dark amber / black silkySet/runny: runny (crystallises in cold weather with fine crystals)Organic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04 Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this honey. Origin 12,000 years ago, Mexico was home to the first avocado trees known to man. Today, the region of Michoacan on the Pacific coast of western Mexico produces half of the world's avocado crop. Our Raw Organic Pacific Avocado Honey is produced by bees that feed on the nectar from these avocado trees, which are situated 5000ft high on the mountain slopes of Michoacan.The avocado tree grows 20m high with leaves 12-25cm long and small green-yellow flowers 5-10mm wide. It only grows in tropical or subtropical climates. Taste Tasting notes: Bold, rich, woody, smoky, burnt sugar and caramel notes that mellow into maple syrup and black treacle with a subtle aftertaste of avocado Texture: Buttery smooth black texture that is silky on the tongue but dissolves quickly Aroma: Strong, lactic as if fermenting, similar to cooked butter and warm chestnut Sweetness: medium Mixed in cold water, this honey makes a nutritious, refreshing and tasty drink. With thick Greek yoghurt, it makes a healthy snack or breakfast. Drizzled on top of premium vanilla ice cream, it makes a delicious dessert. Mix a teaspoon into a glass of cold organic milk and add a pinch of salt for an organic salted caramel milkshake! Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. The avocado fruit contains an incredible amount (over 25) of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and some of the highest levels of health-promoting properties known to exist.With a high number of bioactive compounds, the avocado fruit is said to offer many of the same health properties as an aloe vera plant.When used as a face mask avocado extracts can promote healthy, supple skin.Avocado extracts can be used as a hair conditioner for dry, damaged hair and to promote shiny, vibrant hair.Avocados contain carotenoid lutein in far higher concentrations than in any other fruit. Lutein is essential for protection against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.Avocado extracts are also used:- to neutralise unpleasant breath- as a natural treatment for dandruff- to accelerate menstruation- to combat viruses including herpes- during pregnancy due to its exceptionally high vitamin, mineral and folic acid content- to relieve symptoms of psoriasisScientific studiesA study in Shizuoka University, Japan, in 2000, found that compounds naturally present in avocados can help reduce liver disease. A 2005 study in Tufts University, Massachusetts, USA, found that avocados are high in lutein, which helps protects eyesight against cataracts and macular degeneration. A 2016 study at the University of Santa Maria, Brazil, found that avocados are one of the most nutrition-dense fruits on the planet. This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk once a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.                                                                                                           Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Raw Organic Pink Lychee Honey From Mexico 227g Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Pink Lychee Honey From Mexico
NEW Raw Organic Pink Lychee Honey From Mexico 227g
NEW 2024 STOCK   This honey won a Two Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Foods, in the annual "oscars" of the fine food world. Description 227g net weight in a glass jar.Monofloral organic honey from bees feeding on organic lychee tree plantations in the tropical Atlantic coast of Veracruz, Mexico.A crystallised honey set with natural honey crystals with an intensely floral aroma, tasting notes of jasmine flowers and the cool, tingling aftertaste of lychee fruit.As each crystal dissolves in your mouth you experience an intense burst of flavour that lasts long after the honey disappears into your body.[Note: This honey does NOT contain any lychee fruit extract, added flavour, sugar or ingredients; it is pure, natural honey.]It is raw, certified organic, unfiltered, unpasteurised and living... as natural as if you collected it yourself. In August 2022, this honey won a Two Star Great Taste Award from the UK Guild of Fine Foods, in the annual "oscars" of the fine food world. The awarding judges said: "Grainy, with a very strong and surprising lychee flavour. An original, unusual, deep, dark intense honey. Fruity and floral, this really is a talking point.""This honey gives a depth of flavour unexpected but long lasting and fragrant. Its wonderful taste is delicate but full of flowery notes which allow the texture of crystals enhance the taste even more, extending the pleasure of eating this raw honey.""A honey with a lovely fresh aroma and acidity. It is fruity and delicious and has a pleasing, juicy, almost citrusy feeling in the mouth. The slightly grainy texture was very enjoyable, and overall we found it a very uplifting honey that would have a variety of uses." This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon or mixed into cold water, makes a nutritious and refreshing drink.Size: 227g (1/2lb) net weight in a glass jarColour: light amberSet/runny: crystallised honey set with natural honey crystalsOrganic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey set with natural honey crystals.  Origin Lychee (sometimes spelt litchi) is a soft, whitish-pink coloured pulpy fruit that is cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions and is available for a very short period of time during the summer months.Lychee (Litchi chinensis) is an evergreen tree that grows to 15-28m high. Bees feed on its flowers to produce this honey.   Taste Tasting notes: Caramel and jasmine flowers with the cool, tingling aftertaste of juicy lychee fruits Texture: part-runny, part crystallised (sets quickly due to the high pollen content)Aroma: intense floralSweetness: sweet  Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. At least 65% of this honey comes exclusively from lychee fruit flowers.Lychee is a nutritious bioactive fruit high in Vitamin C with an incredible number of flavonoids and other health-promoting compounds.There have been a number of scientific studies on the anti-diabetic effect of lychee extract on both humans and rats. Modern pharmacological studies have identified that some components of lychee seed have the effects of modulation of blood sugar by improving insulin resistance (IR), lowering blood lipids, antioxidation, antivirus, anti-tumor and preventing liver injury.It can be consumed like any other honey or applied on the skin in small amounts.A 1986 study in China found that lychee extract improved insulin resistance when given to Type 2 diabetic patients.A 2010 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that oligonol, a compound occurring naturally within lychee fruits, reduced liver damage associated with diabetes.A 2010 study at the University of Texas Health Science Center, USA found that oligonol displayed antiviral activity against the flu virus.A 2010 study at the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that lychee fruit extracts displayed antiviral activity against several viruses, including the herpes virus.This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk once a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. If you suffer from an existing health condition, always consult a medical professional before introducing something into your diet to help relieve the symptoms of that condition. References:1. H. Zhang & Y. Teng, “Effect of li ren (semen litchi) anti-diabetes pills in 45 cases of diabetes mellitus,” Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 277–278, 1986.2. J. S. Noh et al, “Treatment with oligonol, a low-molecular polyphenol derived from lychee fruit, attenuates diabetes-induced hepatic damage through regulation of oxidative stress and lipid metabolism,” British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 106, no. 7, pp. 1013–1022, 2011.3. Gangehei L, et al, "Oligonol a low molecular weight polyphenol of lychee fruit extract inhibits proliferation of influenza virus by blocking reactive oxygen species-dependent ERK phosphorylation." Phytomedicine. 2010;17(13):1047-1056.Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Raw Organic Red Gumbo Limbo Honey from Mexico 227g Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Red Gumbo Limbo Honey from Mexico 227g Latin Honey Shop
Raw Organic Red Gumbo Limbo Honey from Mexico 227g
NEW BATCH NOW IN STOCK FOR 2025 - Our best batch ever at 74% gumbo limbo pollen purity.   Description   In 2018 this honey won a One-Star Great Taste Award by the United Kingdom Guild of Fine Food. The independent food judges who awarded this honey a One-Star award described it as:  "Amazingly dark and rich appearance. Very upfront and rose blossom notes ...An interesting journey of flavours and a great honey." This wildflower honey with a very high pollen content is derived predominantly from the red Gumbo Limbo tree native to Mexico that is used locally for its properties to relieve the symptoms of hay fever and allergies. This honey tastes so good that brown bears frequently attack its hives to get to the honey before the beekeepers can. This honey contains a higher concentration of pollen than Manuka, Yemeni Sidr and local honeys. Many of our customers have reported positive results while using this honey to relieve the symptoms of hay fever.Size: 227g net weight in a glass jarColour: light amber when setSet/runny: crystallised setOrganic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04 Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey. Origin 3000 feet high in the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountain range in north-eastern Mexico lie vast swathes of red Gumbo Limbo trees surrounded by sunflowers and pistachio plants. This is a mountain wildflower honey that is produced by the bees that feed on the nectar from these flowers, trees and plants. 74% of this honey is produced from bees that feed on the nectar from the fruits of the red Gumbo Limbo tree. This honey is so tasty that both brown bears and beekeepers from the famous Gomez beekeeping family race to gather this honey. What the Gomez family harvest is brought to your table straight from the hive, raw, living and unfiltered. The Gumbo Limbo tree (scientific name bursera simaruba) is a large tree that grows up to 25m high. It has a red shaggy bark that peels off in paper-thin strips and is native to northern Mexico and central America: Its leaves are 5-12 cm long and the tree produces small round fruits about 8 mm long: Taste Tasting notes: Smoky, woody, sandalwood with nutty notes of earth and a crispy pistachio finishTexture: crystallised setAroma: Aromatic, of sandalwoodSweetness: medium This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon, over toast or porridge, or with good quality yoghurt, fresh cream or ice-cream. In Mexico, it is used as a sauce to go with barbecued meat. Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant.” The bark of the Gumbo Limbo tree, the principal tree from which this honey is derived, has been used in traditional herbal remedies all over central America and the Caribbean for centuries due to its very strong antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Extracts from this tree are used to increases blood flow and relieve blood pressure. This honey contains a higher concentration of pollen than Manuka, Yemeni Sidr and local honeys. Many of our customers have reported positive results while using this honey to relieve the symptoms of hayfever.In The Bahamas, red Gumbo Limbo tree extracts are used to treat related energy problems.In Mexico, red Gumbo Limbo tree extracts are used to treat venereal diseases, snake bite and all types of digestion problems. In Peru, red Gumbo Limbo tree extracts are used as a tonic to cleanse and purify the blood. In Belize, red Gumbo Limbo tree extracts are used to treat urinary tract infections, sunburn and skin allergies. For maximum health benefits, eat a teaspoon of this honey first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or mix it into a glass of cool water and drink it. This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.                                                                                                           Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Sold out
Raw Organic Rainforest Honey From Brazil 227g Raw Organic Rainforest Honey From Brazil Latin Honey Shop
Raw Organic Rainforest Honey From Brazil 227g
LOW STOCK.    Description In August 2019 this honey was awarded a Two Star Great Taste Award by the UK Guild of Fine Food. Judges from the Guild of Fine Food who awarded this honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award described it: "This honey drives the tongue on a multi faceted journey where flavours and landscapes rise and fall on the palate in a symphony of taste. Simply awesome." "A beautiful burnt brown colour, with the most amazing heady aroma like walking into a walled rose garden. The flavour has great length and offers delicate floral notes, with great depth." "The aroma of this honey is intensely floral.You can feel the heat of the jungle in the aroma. The colour is of a light caramel. This is honey on steroids." "It has a burst of flavours which melt in the mouth." It is a part-set part soft honey, with delicious melt-in-the-mouth crystals. It has tasting notes of caramelised hazelnut truffle and mocha praline with a splendid lingering aftertaste of rose and dark chocolate. It comes from bees feeding in the Santa Catarina rainforest in southern Brazil, home to over 20,000 different types of trees, flowers and plants - one in ten of all species known to man. At least 44% of this delicious honey comes from the pink Mimosa silk tree. Mimosa extracts are used in traditional Chinese remedies for relaxation and calming the nervous system. [Note: This honey does NOT contain any trace of nuts; it is pure, natural honey.] It is raw, certified organic, unfiltered, unpasteurised and living... as natural as if you collected it yourself. This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon or mixed into cold water, makes a nutritious and refreshing drink. Size: 227g (1/2lb) net weight in a glass jarColour: amberSet/runny: part set with crystals (crystallises in cold) Organic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04 Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this part-set honey with crystals. Origin Deep on the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil lies the Santa Catarina rainforest. With 20,000 different plant species, 40% of which are native only to this rainforest, it is the richest forest in the world in terms of tree species. Trees as high as 35m stand tall amidst dense vegetation and gushing waterfalls coming from the 1200m coastal mountains. The pollen composition of this honey is: 44% pink Mimosa silk tree 15% sunflower 13% eucalyptus 11% Brazilian cashew peppertree 3% palm 3% ailanthus (tree of heaven) 2% viper's bugloss 2% holly 2% bean plant 1% rose 1% sickle fruit 1% rushfoil 1% touch-me-not shameplant 1% soapberry and buckwheat     Taste Tasting notes: Caramelised hazelnut truffle with mocha praline and a splendid lingering aftertaste of rose and dark chocolate [Note: This honey does NOT contain any trace of nuts; it is pure, natural honey.] Texture: Partially runny and partially crystallised set honey   Aroma: Warm and woody Sweetness: medium     Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used medicinally by Mayan civilisations for over 1000 years to relieve a wide range of conditions and ailments. The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used in Chinese remedies for nearly 2000 years as a natural calming herb. It is known as the "tree of happiness" or the "happiness herb." There is scientific research based support for the use of the Mimosa tree to relieve worry, stress and sleep issues. [See Jung JW et al. Effect of chronic Albizzia julibrissin treatment on 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors in rat brain. Pharmacol Biochem Behav . 2005;81(1):205-210.] In fact, a pharmacoepidemiologic study in Taiwan in 2002 found that the Mimosa tree was the third most commonly prescribed Chinese herbal remedy for treating sleep problems. [Chen FP et al. Prescriptions of Chinese Herbal Medicines for Insomnia in Taiwan during 2002. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med . 2009 Apr 1] This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.   Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Raw Organic Rivera Gum Honey From Uruguay 227g Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Rivera Gum Honey From Uruguay 227g Latin Honey Shop
Raw Organic Rivera Gum Honey from Uruguay 227g
Description One of our most popular honeys, a multi-award-winning honey, holder of a two-star 2017 Great Taste Award from the United Kingdom Guild of Fine Food and the international Biomiel prize."This honey has a fudgy texture but is smooth in the mouth. The depth of the floral notes is outstanding and long lasting. A very special honey indeed."This was the view of 8 to 16 different judges at the UK Guild of Fine Food who awarded our Raw Organic Rivera Gum Honey a Two-Star Great Taste Award 2017.In 2011 this honey beat over 200 honeys to win the coveted international Biolmiel prize for the tastiest organic honey in the world.It tastes like butterscotch caramel toffee fudge with a lingering chocolate aftertaste.Harvested by six local beekeepers from a small forest of eucalyptus trees on the borders of northern Uruguay and southern Brazil, this honey is one of the purest eucalyptus honeys in the world, with a eucalyptus pollen count of over 85%.It can be eaten or used externally on the face, skin and hair.This honey tastes addictively delicious straight off a spoon, in creamy organic plain yoghurt, or on top of premium vanilla ice-cream.Size: 227g (1lb) net weight in a glass jarColour: dark amberSet/runny: thick setOrganic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this set honey. Origin Deep in the hills of Rivera province where northern Uruguay meets southern Brazil lies a forest of eucalyptus (gum) trees. Bees feed on the nectar from these trees to produce our Raw Organic Rivera Gum Honey.Once a year six local beekeepers harvest this honey so we can bring it to your table straight from the hive, raw, living and unfiltered. Taste Tasting notes: butterscotch caramel toffee fudge with a lingering chocolate aftertasteTexture: Silky smooth, like soft toffeeAroma: ButterscotchSweetness: mild Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. 85-90% of this honey comes from bees feeding on eucalyptus plants. The eucalyptus plant has an astonishing number of uses. The eucalyptus plant is used to fight colds and coughs and throat and chest infections. It has an expectorant effect on coughs (stops coughs) that is similar or better than cough syrup. The eucalyptus plant is used as a powerful antiseptic that soothes burns, cuts, ulcers and insect bites. When used as a face mask eucalyptus plant extracts can be used on acne. Scientific research indicates that eucalyptus extracts can be effective on diarrhoea. Eucalyptus extracts are also used: - topically on eczema- as a massage rub to soothe stiff muscles and joint pains- as a natural aid to relieve dandruff- as a digestive aid due to its exceptionally high content of the enzyme diastase- to cleanse the urinary tract when taken in warm water- during pregnancy due to its exceptionally high vitamin, mineral and folic acid content- to increase general immunity to infections and diseases- for acid reflux, indigestion and heartburn when taken in warm waterThis honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach.   Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Golden Pilosa Honey from Mexico Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic Golden Pilosa Honey from Mexico
Raw Organic Golden Pilosa Honey from Mexico 227g
2024 STOCK JUST IN. Filled fresh from the drum last week and on sale now. This is the final batch of this honey, once it is gone we will be discontinuing it. Description Organic honey from bees feeding on a plant from which 201 bioactive compounds have been identified by scientists. In 2018 this honey won a One-Star Great Taste Award by the United Kingdom Guild of Fine Food.The independent food judges who awarded this honey a One-Star award described it as: "Creamy, light golden in colour with a wonderful consistency and heady, floral aroma. Smooth on the palate with fudgey notes and a slight astringency which provides a good flavour balance. A delicious, moreish honey which the judges agreed is well worth a star." Note: since raw honey is a natural product produced by bees, each batch of raw honey differs in taste and texture from season to season so a creamy honey may be more or less crystallised from season to season. This does not affect the nutritional properties of the honey. With a light, crystallised texture and a delicious citrusy taste of pineapple mousse, this bioactive honey comes from bees feeding on golden bidens pilosa flowers that grow in the 6000ft high plains of the Mexican Plateau in north-central Mexico, a region once home to the Aztec Empire. To date, 201 bioactive compounds have been identified in the bidens pilosa plant and it is one of the most potent healing herbs known to exist. The bidens pilosa plant has been used in Latin America for centuries to provide relief to the symptoms of over 40 categories of conditions from ulcers to auto-immune disorders. This is a prized, sought-after honey in Latin America and this is the first time it has been made available in the United Kingdom, exclusively by the Latin Honey Shop. It is raw, certified organic by the Organic Food Federation, unfiltered, unpasteurised and living... as natural as if you collected it yourself. This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon or mixed into cold water, makes a nutritious and refreshing drink. It also tastes sublime on good quality vanilla ice cream. Size: 227g net weight in a glass jarColour: light amberSet/runny: crystallisedOrganic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04 Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this crystallised honey. Origin Nearly all of the pollen in this honey (73%) comes from bees feeding on the nectar from bidens pilosa flowers that grow in the 6000ft high plains of the Mexican Plateau. The Mexican Plateau is a large area of arid highland that covers most of northern and central Mexico. It is covered by deserts and shrubland. Bidens pilosa is a tall branched plant native to south America that grows up to 1.8m tall. It has thin yellow flowers that cluster into spiky seeds. The seed clusters are surrounded by 4-5 white petals. Once a year the Moreno family beekeepers harvest this honey so we can bring it to your table straight from the hive, raw, living and unfiltered. Taste Tasting notes: citrusy tones of pineapple mousse with a mild herbal aftertaste Texture: crystallised with fine crystals Aroma: citrus fruit Sweetness: medium Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. Nearly all of the pollen in this honey (73%) comes from the bidens pilosa plant. A 2011 study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, identified 201 bioactive compounds in the bidens pilosa plant.The bidens pilosa plant has been used in Latin America for centuries to provide relief for the symptoms of over 40 categories of conditions from ulcers to auto-immune disorders. [See Silva FL et al, "Compilation of Secondary Metabolites from Bidens pilosa," Molecules 2011, 16(2): 1070-1102.] Hundreds of years ago, the Aztecs used to collect the pilosa flowers of this region to use in traditional herbal remedies and it has also been used widely in traditional Native American, Brazilian and Chinese healing for centuries. In Cuba and Taiwan, the bidens pilosa herb is used by diabetics. [See T. Dimo, J. Azay, P. V. Tan et al., “Effects of the aqueous and methylene chloride extracts of Bidens pilosa leaf on fructose-hypertensive rats,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 215–221, 2001] Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic White Velvet Mesquite Honey From Mexico Latin Honey Shop Raw Organic White Velvet Mesquite Honey From Mexico
Raw Organic White Velvet Mesquite Honey From Mexico 227g
FEB 2024 STOCK JUST IN. Filled fresh from the drum last week, on sale now. One of our best batches ever, crystallised with a delicious smokey taste.  Description In August 2019 this honey was awarded a One-Star Great Taste Award by the UK Guild of Fine Food. "Gooey, like toasted marshmallows!" are the words customers use to describe this exciting new thick creamy white honey from Mexico. It comes from bees feeding on the white mesquite trees that litter the 6000ft high plains of the Mexican Plateau in Aguascalientes state of central Mexico. Known as the "tree of life" Native American tribes have considered it a superfood for centuries to promote health and vitality. They use every part of the tree for food, healing, fabric and flour. Pods of the mesquite tree have properties that regulate blood sugar, promote fat burning and smooth digestion. Wild mesquite trees are only found in Mexico and southwestern United States. This honey has a 84% lab tested purity mesquite pollen count. The judges who awarded this honey a One-Star Great Taste Award described it: "A thick, creamy set honey with a bright, fruity aroma. The smokiness of mesquite is quite intriguing, adding balance to the sweetness without catching in the back of the throat. A complex product that could work well as an accompaniment to sweet and savoury food." Size: 227g (1lb) net weight in a glass jarColour: whiteSet/runny: thick setOrganic: certified organic by the Organic Food Federation (UK), GB-ORG-04Read on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this set honey. Origin The Mexican Plateau is a region of 6000ft high plains that cover most of northern and central Mexico. Wild mesquite trees fill the horizon of these arid desert plains. They grow from 8 - 20m high and bear pod-like fruits. Bees feed on the nectar from pods to produce our Raw Organic White Velvet Mesquite Honey. Once a year local beekeepers from the Gomez family harvest this honey so we can bring it to your table straight from the hive, raw, living and unfiltered. Taste Tasting notes: toasted marshmallows, white chocolate, with smokey notes of vanilla beanTexture: Thick set, silky smooth, whiteAroma: Jelly beans, smoky mesquiteSweetness: mild Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. 84% of this honey comes from bees feeding on mesquite trees. The mesquite plant has an astonishing number of uses. Native American tribes have been using it as a superfood natural sweetener for centuries to promote health and vitality. They use every part of the tree for food, healing, fabric and flour. The mesquite plant has a low glycaemic index (GI) of 25, meaning that it slowly releases sugar into the bloodstream, making it suitable for diabetics and diabetes subject to the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.  Low GI foods promote fat burning. The mesquite plant is free of fructose, meaning that no insulin is required to digest it. The mesquite plant also contains the following compounds in high amounts: Quercetin - several scientific studies show that quercetin has properties that help to manage the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. Serotonin - regulates mood and calms the mind Apigenin - known to repair and protect damaged kidneys Calcium and magnesium - promotes bone health Zinc - promotes fertility and strengthens immunity Mesquite makes an excellent marinade for barbecued meats due to its natural smoky flavour. This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk three times a day on an empty stomach. Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitute a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
Raw Mountain Ulmo Honey From Chile 227g Latin Honey Shop Raw Mountain Ulmo Honey From Chile 227g Latin Honey Shop
LIMITED EDITION Raw Mountain Ulmo Honey From Chile 227g
Description In 1520 the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan landed on the Pacific coast at the southernmost tip of Latin America. There he found a land of breathtaking landscapes, magical volcanoes and colossal lakes. His chronicler described how in this region he met men he described as "giants, 10 feet tall." It's likely that the 5ft tall Magellan met men who were "only" 7 feet tall but nonetheless, the myth remained and until today that land is known as Patagonia, land of the giants, in Chile. The ancient rainforests of Patagonia meet the Andes mountains which sink dramatically into the Pacific ocean in a region sparsely inhabited except by wildlife and indigenous tribes. The Andean foothills here are covered in white ulmo trees (scientific name Eucryphia cordifolia). For centuries, local tribes have been harvesting a unique honey that comes from bees feeding on these mountain ulmo trees. It is an aromatic honey with tasting notes of almonds and vanilla and an aftertaste of aniseed. Was this honey the secret behind the height of the Patagonian giants?Today, descendants of the very "giants" who once inhabited this land, harvest this honey. It is organically produced and harvested by local beekeepers but not organic certified. Organic certification is not possible in this region due to its remote location. We have been able to obtain a small amount of this honey and present it to you as a limited edition. Once it's gone, it's gone. We don't have any more and nor are we able to get any more. This is 84% pure monofloral honey from bees feeding on white ulmo trees growing in the Andean mountains along the Pacific coast of northern Patagonia, Chile.  It is a set honey crystallised with natural honey crystals. It has an intensely floral aroma, tasting notes of almonds and vanilla and an aniseed aftertaste.As each mouthful of natural honey crystals dissolves in your mouth, you experience an intense burst of flavour that lasts long after the honey disappears into your body.It is raw, organically harvested but not certified, unfiltered, unpasteurised and living... as natural as if you collected it yourself.This honey tastes delicious straight from the spoon or mixed into cold water, makes a nutritious and refreshing drink.Size: 227g (1/2lb) net weight in a glass jarColour: amberSet/runny: set honey (crystallises with natural honey crystals)Organic: organically harvested but not organic certified due to the remote location of the bee hivesRead on for more details about the origin, taste and uses of this set honey which crystallises with natural honey crystals.  Origin Ulmo (scientific name Eucryphia cordifolia) is an evergreen tree that grows up to 40m tall, at up to 700m above sea level. Every March, in the late southern hemisphere summer, the tree blooms into snowy white, fragrant flowers. Bees feed on these flowers to produce this honey.   Taste Tasting notes: Almond, vanilla with an aftertaste of aniseedTexture: set (crystallises with natural honey crystals)Aroma: intense floralSweetness: sweet  Uses In accordance with EU directive 1924/2006 we are unable to make any health claim about any of our honeys. The information given below is either background information about the plants from which our honey comes, or anecdotal based on customer reviews. It should not be inferred from the plant properties that this honey automatically possesses the same qualities or provides the same benefits as the plant. At least 84% of this honey comes exclusively from bees feeding on ulmo (Eucyphia cordifolia) flowers.There have been a number of scientific studies on the antibiotic and antifungal properties of mountain ulmo honey. A 2010 study led by the Department of Clinical Microbiology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland found that ulmo honey displayed strong antibiotic activity against five strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. More than 10 years of scientific research carried out by Dr Gloria Montenegro at the Catholic University of Chile found that mountain ulmo honey displays an antibiotic performance similar to that of penicillin and tetracycline.  Ulmo honey can be consumed like any other honey or applied on the skin in small amounts. It can be applied topically to burns and venous leg ulcers. This honey can be used like ordinary honey but is best taken as a teaspoon of this honey mixed into a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water and drunk once a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. If you suffer from an existing health condition, always consult a medical professional before introducing something into your diet to help relieve the symptoms of that condition. Note: unless where specifically mentioned, none of these statements have been clinically proven in scientific trials and none of these statements constitutes a claim as to any health benefit. Please contact us for links to the various scientific studies cited in these statements.
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Latin Honey Shop Engraved Lotus Wood Honey Dipper Stick Latin Honey Shop Engraved Lotus Wood Honey Dipper Stick
Latin Honey Shop Engraved Lotus Wood Honey Dipper Stick
  Description A beautifully engraved honey dipper / drizzler / serving stick crafted out of wood from the lotus tree with natural antibacterial properties. Washable and reusable, it makes an ideal gift or a complement to your honey collection. FREE delivery when bought with any order over £40. Otherwise, shipping is £3.95 per stick. Uncoated, unvarnished, 100% food safe. Size           : 160 x 24mmColour       : natural woodMaterial     : schima superba lotus woodCoating      : uncoated, unvarnishedEngraving  : "" along the shaft and Latin Honey Shop logo at the circular endProperties  : 100% food safe, fire resistant, naturally antibacterialCare           : handwash only
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