Raw organic honey may be an effective natural remedy for acid reflux....

A university study in Turkey found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate 5 grams of raw organi...

Studies have shown that raw organic honey can help reduce pain and infl...

Raw organic honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for asthma. It helps reduce inf...

Raw organic honey as a body scrub when showering helps get rid of dea...

Honey is big business. With jars of Manuka and Yemeni Sidr honey selling in the UK for £100...

A study conducted by the University of Malawi in 2015 showed that raw honey had a 90% success ...

A 2013 study in Italy found that raw organic honey slowed down the formation of skin wrinkles. Ra...

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found that topical applic...

“Honey in its natural form has very low moisture. Very few bacter...