LIMITED EDITION Raw Mountain Ulmo Honey From Chile 227g
£9.95 GBP
LIMITED EDITION Raw Mountain Ulmo Honey From Chile 227g
£9.95 GBP

Juliet (England, United Kingdom) Truly scrumptious raw honey
Gill (England, United Kingdom) I know this honey from my childhood in Chile. Delicious. I have bought six as Christmas gifts to give as presents to family. Delivery went well. Tasting yet to happen!
Sadia M. Brought Latin honey shop honey a few times now. Hasn’t disappointed yet.
Anonymous Tastes nice, you can tell it’s 100% pure unpasteurised as it’s almost set. It has been helping manage a long term cough.
CONSTANZA Z. (Tennessee, United States) As advertised. Excellent customer service. Arrived quickly.