Seven Reasons Why Raw Honey Is Good For You

Seven Reasons Why Raw Honey Is Good For You

Most people know that raw honey is good for you in some way but they don't really know how or why.

Here are seven quick reasons why raw honey is good for you.

Remember that raw honey is different to supermarket "honey". Supermarket "honey" is not really honey because it has been heat-treated and filtered, leaving it with hardly any goodness.

1. Raw honey has a low glycaemic index (GI)

The glycaemic index is a ranking of carbohydrate foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. 

Glycaemic index and raw honey

High GI foods spike the blood glucose level quickly in a process that triggers the body into storing more fat. Examples of high GI foods are potatoes, white rice, white bread, processed (white) sugar, white pasta.

Low GI foods provide a steady stream of glucose into the bloodstream, which allows the body to use this energy efficiently without storing it as fat. Low GI foods include porridge, lentils, beans, wholegrain foods and honey.

2. Raw honey contains enzymes that help to digest food

Raw honey contains enzymes, natural substances that break down food so it can be better absorbed by the body.

Enzymes in raw honey

Some of the enzymes naturally occuring in raw honey include diastate, invertase, glucose oxidase, peptidase and others.

3. Raw honey destroys harmful bacteria in the body

Raw honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which destroys harmful bacteria upon contact.

4. Raw honey contains probiotics that enhance digestion

Raw honey probiotics

Raw honey contains probiotics, living bacteria that are beneficial to the body. When raw honey enters the body it floods the digestive system with probiotics that enhance digestion and reduce flatulence and constipation.

5. Raw honey contains vitamins and minerals

Raw honey contains an impressive array of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function efficiently. Unlike vitamin supplements, these occur naturally in raw honey.

6. Raw honey contains antioxidants

The body contains toxins known as free radicals that go around the body attacking cells and living tissue, causing damage and aging. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals so they can no longer harm the body.

Antioxidants in raw honey

Raw honey contains a very high number of antioxidants that get to work immediately upon entering the body. Other high antioxidant containing foods include blueberries, pomegranates and broccoli.

7. Raw honey does not spoil

Bad bacteria that causes food to spoil cannot survive in raw honey. The acidity, lack of water and hydrogen peroxide naturally present in raw honey does not allow bad bacteria to go off, even after thousands of years.

In 2015, Egyptian archaeologists excavating the pyramids found sealed pots of wine, olive oil and honey. According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, these items were placed there over 3000 years ago to nourish the souls of the dead in the after-life.

The wine had gone off, the olive oil had gone but... the honey was as good as if it were harvested yesterday!

Raw honey in ancient Egyptian tombs

Latin Honey Shop - single origin raw gourmet honey from the exotic parts of Latin America

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