A study at the University of Florida found bloating and stomach pain in IBS patients was re...

A 2020 study at Oxford University, UK, found that compared to antibiotics and cough medicin...

Raw organic honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for asthma. It helps reduce inf...

Research suggests that raw organic honey is an effective treatment for tonsillitis. In fact...

Honey is big business. With jars of Manuka and Yemeni Sidr honey selling in the UK for £100...

A 2014 study in Malaysa found that raw organic honey slowed down lung damage caused by cigarette ...

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found that topical applic...
Here are six quick things that you can check before you buy honey to make it more likely th...

Most processed honey sold globally is cheap honey imported from China. Chinese honey has a dark h...

Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans and indigenous tribes all realised the wondrous healin...